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Primary care contribution to health system performance: methods and applications in Europe and in Italy

7 Febbraio 2012, Roma

Aula Jenner, Nuovo Collegio Joanneum, Catholic University of Sacred Heart Campus
Largo Francesco Vito 1, Rome


10.00 Opening Session: Introduction
Walter Ricciardi
Italian Observatory on Health Care and Vice Dean Faculty of Medicine – Catholic University, Rome
10.10 Measuring the strength of Primary Care systems in Europe
Dionne Sofia Kringos – key note speaker
Health Systems Performance Researcher – Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research (NIVEL), Utrecht and Academic Medical Center (AMC) – University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam
10.20 Evaluation system of healthcare service performance: the experience of the Agency of PH Lazio Region applied to PC
Laura Cacciani, Carla Perria and Aldo Rosano
The Agency of Public Health of Lazio Region, Rome
10.50 Assessment in Primary Care. Performance, Governance or both?
Antonio Giulio de Belvis
Italian Observatory on Health Care and Institute of Hygiene, Public Health and Preventive Medicine – Catholic University, Rome
11.10 An application of the PA in PC: the DEA model
Ferruccio Pelone
Research assistant and DEA expert, Institute of Hygiene, Public Health and Preventive Medicine – Catholic University, Rome
11.30 E-health, patient centeredness in primary care: a threat or an opportunity?
Agnese Lazzari and Andrea Silenzi
Project Managers Italian Association of Medical Managers (SIMM) and Institute of Hygiene, Public Health and Preventive Medicine – Catholic University, Rome
11.50 Improving patient care: using data, sharing best practice in Primary Care
Claudio Cricelli and Ovidio Brignoli
President and Vice-president Italian Society of General Practitioners (SIMG)
12.10 Conclusions
Walter Ricciardi

For further information:
Antonio Giulio de Belvis: Italian Observatory on Health Care – Institute of Hygiene – ph.: +39 (06) 3500.6808
e-mail: debelvis@rm.unicatt.it
Agnese Lazzari: Italian Association of Medical Managers (SIMM) – Institute of Hygiene – ph.: +39 338 14 07 446
e-mail: agnese.lazzari@medici-manager.it